Today while the blossoms still cling–

No, wait. It’s not the song. TODAY my book is finally for sale! I love this story. I had so many great memories that returned while I was writing it. Not because I participated in rodeos. I went to lots of rodeos with my dad and the rest of my family.

I’m not sure why Dad liked rodeos so much, but he took us to the rodeo in Tulsa every year from the time the IFR started in 1971 until it moved to Oklahoma City.

That’s my dad when he was a kid, riding his horse, Sparky. 

I hope you’ll check out ROUNDUP and let me know what you think about it. 

Question: Am I the only non-participating woman who loves rodeo? 

BTW: See the New Newsletter notice above? I’ll be giving away one ROUNDUP to someone who signs up for it. Please do! 


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