How is your year going so far?
I’ve spent my year getting ready to move into C-Town. It’s amazing how much stuff (aka trash) I can collect in twenty years. 😀
So I’m a little behind on things I wanted to do for 2021. One thing is to find my word for the year. Last year it was JOY. I love that word, even though, sadly, in 2020 joy wasn’t always uppermost on my mind. I mean, Covid 19, masks, church only online, critique only online, my hubby’s cancer, and subsequent funeral, weren’t subjects that bring joy.

I kept looking and praying about my word for the year 2021.
I strongly considered JOY as my word again for 2021, but I like to keep my words as I move on to new ones.
I read blogs and took tests that were supposed to give me my word. One told me OVERCOME should be my word.
Find Your 2021 Word of the Year | DaySpring
How to Choose Your Word of the Year + 100 Suggestions – Blessing Manifesting
Don’t you love this page I borrowed from Blessing Manifesting? Her page just fills me with happiness!
After more prayer, I read (or re-read) a scripture and a word stood up and waved at me.
Pop over and read Isaiah 61. In verse 7 it says, “You will rejoice in your inheritance.” That got my attention.
Then in verse 10, “I delight greatly in the Lord;
my soul rejoices in my God.
For he has clothed me with garments of salvation
and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness.
So my word is (ta-ta-tum)
Exalt, revel, celebrate, delight, enjoy, feel happy, and joy are all synonyms for REJOICE. Really, it’s kind of like JOY, all over again, but kicking it up a notch.
Do you have a word of the year? Will you share how you found it and what it is this year?
I really want to talk about it!
I haven’t thought about choosing a word for the year. Considering how difficult 2020 was for you, I’m inspired to hear your word for 2021 is rejoice. May God bless you and give you many opportunities to rejoice in the new year.
I’ve chosen words for the year for a few years now, Karen. Now I’m waiting to find my scripture for the year. Doesn’t it sound great to get a scripture from the Lord? Thanks for stopping by to talk about it!