I’d like you to meet . . . Me!

Sassy Little Susan

Me: Write.

Interviewer: What do you write?

Me: Right now, I write Christian Romance, also known as Inspirational, but I’ve tried writing in several romance genres.

Interviewer: How long have you been writing?

Me: All my life, I think. Before I wrote, I made up stories to entertain myself. And I made up two friends named Arlie and Orlie.

Interviewer: Do all writers do that?

Me: Doesn’t everybody? Don’t you?

Interviewer: Ahem. This interview isn’t about me. Back to you. How many books have you written?

Me: Are you asking how many manuscripts I’ve finished? Probably fifteen or so. I haven’t counted lately. But I’ve had four published and I have three more completed that I hope to publish.

Interviewer: What are the names of your published books?


My first published book, a contemporary romance.
My 2nd published book, a romantic suspense. (One of my favorites!)


Make Me Howl, Wolf-lit. If you don’t know what that is, speak up!
My first Christian Romance. Love this book!

Interviewer: How long have you been writing and hoping to publish what you’ve written?

Me: A long time. If I told you how many years, you might guess how old I am. And if you knew that, I’d have to hunt you down and give you covid brain, like I have. (I started to say I’d have to duct tape your mouth shut, but that sounded too creepy.)

Interviewer: What’s your best advice for people who want to write?

Me: Critique groups. Find one that’s a good fit for you. Don’t be defensive. Be open to changing what you’ve written. Don’t expect the others to stroke your ego.

Enter contests. Go to conferences and sign up for classes. 

Interviewer: How do you find a well-fitting critique group?

Me: It’s not easy. I met my first CP (the fabulous Marilyn Pappano)

Marilyn Pappano, one of the best authors I’ve ever read! 

when she was speaking to a class I took. I felt an immediate kinship with her, and being the shy daisy I am, I asked. (No matter what you hear, begging on my knees was not part of the request.)  She’s been my critique partner and good friend ever since.

World’s best critique group.

The rest of the critique group has changed several times over the years. These are the women I critique with now, and they’re fantastic. Marilyn Pappano, Linda Trout, and Jackie Kramer, are fun to be with, inspiring, enriching, heartening, and happy to share their expertise. (Can you tell I like them?)

We’d rather eat dirt than discourage a fellow writer.

Interviewer: Most exciting thing you’ve ever done?

Me: Marry my blind date 5 months after meeting him. 

Interviewer: Most fun you’ve ever had?

Me: Raising my three sons. They were so imaginative and kept us entertained all the time. (The TV show was not named after us.)

Interviewer: Do you have any handicaps or allergies?

Me: Yes. I’m directionally challenged and I hate to be told I have to do something.

Interviewer: Ever failed at anything?

Me: Yes. I was a lousy big sister. When I babysat with my sibs, I told them as long as they didn’t get hurt, thereby getting me in trouble, they could do what they wanted. But I did offer to burn down the houses of people who were mean to them. 

Carol and Mary Sue Spess’s six children.

Interviewer: Best advice for other writers and wannabes?


Anyone know what movie that quote is from?






Author Interview!

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12 thoughts on “Author Interview!

  1. Great interview!! How long did it take you to think up the answers to questions that probably came way too easily? 😉

    Thanks for the comments about your CP’s. You’re right, we’d rather eat dirt than discourage one another. Now push the other person (and push HARD!) to do better is quite another matter, isn’t it?

  2. Thanks for sharing. I see a nice little romance novel about marrying your blind date a few months after you meet him in yiur future.

    1. Carol,
      That’s actually my past. Our marriage lasted just a few days over 47 years when he died last May. Looking forward to seeing him in the sweet!

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