I’m not talking about me being the best. I’m not. I’m talking about . . .
The BEST season of the year is autumn. I love (LOVE!) the cooler weather, the gorgeous color of the leaves, and Thanksgiving! I know Thanksgiving sometimes is in the winter, but I still love it!
My BEST job is . . . a toss-up. I love my job with my siblings, cousins, one of my children, assorted relatives, and a few friends at Spess Oil Company. But I love love, love writing, which is an occupation, too.

My BEST hobby? Another toss up. I enjoy gardening when it’s not too hot to breathe, and I love knitting if it’s cool outside. Or cold. 🙂
My BEST memory?
Oh, wow. That’s impossible. I have so many great memories I can’t pick the best. I love memories of Old Mannford.
Memories of my mama.
My daddy.

The BEST memories of my sweetie fill me with happiness.
And memories of my childhood are fantastic.
And Christmases throughout the years (yes, all of them) are wonderful.
One year we begged for a sled. That was back when it used to snow a lot in Northeast Oklahoma. Like all the time! And by the time my parents went uptown to buy a sled to give us but there were none to be found anywhere in town. So, Daddy did the best thing ever. He built a sled for us. The runners were 2x6s I think. (I was just a little kid.)
Dad would tie the sled behind our car and pull us on the snowy streets. It was thrilling.
We had a Pontiac station wagon, so kids waiting their turn could ride in back with the backend open and watch the riders.
I remember one night in particular when we were at a neighbor’s house with several church friends and the preacher for the fun. The kids rode first, then the daddies took over, and us kids were supposed to ride again when they came back.
The dads used a smaller car in which they could speed over the snow. From what I’ve heard, their aim was to toss the riders off the sled.
I can’t promise my memory of that night is perfect (it rarely matches other peoples’) but I do my best. The dads didn’t come back for a long, long time. The kids got tired of waiting, got cranky and sleepy.
Finally, after forever, Dad and his friends came back. I don’t remember seeing the preacher, but they’d thrown him off and he landed in the ditch. The poor guy had a bad back before the ditch crash, so Dad and the guys called the chiropractor and got him to meet them at his office that night.
They might have called the house to let the mothers know what was going on, but I only remember fussing about missing my turn.
The preacher walked with a limp for a while, but I think he had fun. I don’t remember if he ever went sledding with us again.
So, this time of year, that’s one of my favorite memories.
How about y’all? Favorite memories? Share with us! (Please.)