Like to read fantastic family friendly books?
win contests?
Then I have the perfect deal for you!

A contest to win several great books.
What exactly will you win?
A disc with fourteen (14!) sweet books.

Can you read what the back of the package says? It contains 3 formats for each story so you can enjoy these books on virtually ANY device!!! And it’s a $71.86 value!
And (surprise!) it has my book, JORDAN VALLEY MISS, included on it.

To enter the contest, all you have to do is make a comment on my blog. Then, if you win, I’ll email you and you’ll have to provide your mailing address. It’s as simple as that!

I hope you win! and . . .

Do you:
I hope I win too
I hope you do! LY!!!
I would love to have one of your books. ❤️🙏
There are 14 great books on this disc. I hope you’ll get one of them!