Are you one? I am! I’m constantly reading books and watching Youtube to get a leg-up on the things I do.
Just now, I’m baaaack from Canyon, Texas. That’s where West Texas Writers’ Academy happens. And I had a great time!
I don’t know if I have many (or any) writers reading my blog, but I wonder how many readers believe in continuing your education? I’m still working to be a better writer, photographer, and gardener. In most hobbies/pass-times, there’s a learning curve, and (usually) more to learn. Whether writing, photographing, golfing (yes, that’s a word) skiing, or fireworks shooting, there’s usually more to learn.
This is Linda, my critique partner and the woman I went to the Academy with. She’s a great writer. I don’t mind bragging on her since I have a little input on her books. She was also my quad-mate. (Is that a real term?)
She was a super person to hang with. I can’t stay up as late as she does, sadly, but I was usually up earlier.
This is a picture I took on the way to Texas. If you look at the far edge, there’s a canyon. Not the great Palo Duro canyon near Canyon, but it was pretty, too.

One of my favorite quilts. Do you like quilts? (I love all of them!) This is one G-Man and I bought when we made the drive on the Talimena National Scenic Byway in southeast Oklahoma few years ago. It’s a beautiful drive, especially in the fall!
Here’s the sink area of my bathroom. The dorm area we stayed in was made for four people, but only two stayed in each one, so we didn’t have to share anything but the kitchen.
This is the kitchen. We only ate breakfast there. Believe me, this is much bigger than the dorm I lived in back when I went to college in the dark ages. 😀 I loved it back then, and I loved it last week. What’s not to love?
Back to the Academy:
This was our teacher–Sasha Summers. She’s a wonderful writer, and did a fantastic teaching job! I can’t tell you how much I learned or how much I enjoyed our time there. I liked it a bunch!
This is Sasha’s mother, Jeanie. A sweeter woman, you’ll never meet!
This is the entire class. We worked on plotting and story boards. Sasha even gave us all a Story Bible to use. I’m telling you, it was a great workshop, well worth the money we spent.
Whatever you do, do you take classes or workshops to learn more, improve, and/or stay current? Do you enjoy learning and exercising your brain?
Any suggestions, classes, or books for us forever learners?
Great to read about this, Susan! So glad you enjoyed your time, as it sounds like it was a very fruitful experience. Write on! 🙂
It was amazing. Everyone in the class was nice as well as talented, and gave great feedback. Lord willing, I’ll definitely go again!
Sounds like a wonderful place to be!
My friend Nona Cross was there – and here in your picture. She raves on and on about the academy and I actually considered going this year. Couldn’t because of the 2 deaths in my family but hey, I’m glad y’all had such a wonderful time.
Great post.
Good luck and God’s blessings
Oh, Pamela, I’m so sorry about your losses. Deaths are really hard, even when you know it’s not the end. It’s just a different door we pass through.
I hope you’ll go next year, so I can meet you.
BTW: Which one is Nona Cross? I don’t remember a Nona in class.
Love your post, and loved rooming with you! It was a wonderful academy and I can hardly wait for next years. (I need to learn to take more pictures! LOL)
Thanks a bunch for your kind words about my writing, but you definitely help me clean up my stories and whip them into shape. And I can say the same about you…you’re a wonderful writer! As my BIL used to say, no brag, just fact. 🙂
Aw, Linda. You make me blush.
You’re a sweetie!