So when I’m home alone (which is most of the time) I like to get knitty with it. 
I like to think it counts, don’t you?
I mentioned I’m moving to a new-to-me house. So to start getting ready, I bagged up my yarn in big garbage bags, and I had only 3 bags full! Kind of like Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. 😀
This is Honey Bunny.
I knitted him for my newest grandson. I like to pray while I knit for someone . . . a prayer in every stitch.
How did I get started?
When I was in my early teens, I bought a book at Hagberg’s and taught myself to knit. If you want to learn, it’s much easier now! Just go to YouTube and search for beginning knitting. It’s there, and it’s free!
And if you go to a yarn shop, they’ll help you find the yarn and needles that go together. They might even help you find a pattern to work on after you figure out the stitches. 
These are roses I knitted, thinking I might put them on a headband and get someone to wear them like a crown. They’re still just lying around in wooden bowl. No headband.
I read about knitting this tree on Instagram. Cute, isn’t it?
I knitted the hearts so I could give one to anyone who came to a book signing. But sad for me, the book isn’t coming out in a hard copy quite yet, so I have them lying around, too.
I made these for my great-nephew, Christian. They’re all three from one ball of yarn. And no, he doesn’t have three hands. I knitted the extra one because the one in the middle wasn’t the same size as the other two. I gave the extra one to my sister as an ornament on her Christmas tree.
I have a cat who lives outside (I’m allergic) but I don’t knit for him. LOL.
But his friend’s mother knew how to use hers. Remember the sweaters she knitted? Too cute!
What do you do when you’re Home Alone besides watch TV or sleep? I’m still Terminally Curious!
What Do You Do . . . ?
I promise I won’t leave comments on every post 😆 unless of course you want me to… but I had to tell you that my nickname from my hubby is honey bunny. Also.. I like to read, listen to podcasts, sermons, or music in my free time, but I also do crafts… a little bit of everything. Painting, wood working such as making charcuterie boards (I still owe you one btw), and I’ve even messed around with crocheting before, plus much more. I’m just creative with what I’ve got pretty much. I love your work!
Hi Kelci! Of course I want you to comment on any and every thing you can. I truly enjoy you! I can’t wait to get my charcuterie board.
You’re so talented. If you want to learn to knit, just let me know. I love it. I can crochet but it hurts my wrist. 🙁
Thanks for dropping by.
Hi! I just found your website. It is very cute!! I hope you like your new home! I spend a lot of time reading, drawing and painting. I also do a lot of sewing for my little great grandsons. I have three of those cute little critters! LOL!
I love my new home! I wish I had your talent, Irene, to draw or paint. It must be great!
I only sew it there’s a hole in something that I can fix. LOL!
Aren’t grandkids the best? I adore mine, too!
So nice to hear from you.
I hope to come and see you when I get to Cleveland home front again. I wish you many good things and your new place too!!
I hope you’ll come by!
Thanks, Jane! Please do!